We partner with service providers across the country to help streamline operations in healthcare facilities. It’s through these collaborative partnerships that we are able to provide essential services and bring a wide range of talent and expertise to healthcare organizations nationwide.

All of our partnerships provide important cost savings and enterprise-wide standardization to organizations to enhance their practice management and electronic health record systems. We are proud to partner with these healthcare providers and healthcare technologies.

Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is the premier association for professionals who lead medical practices. Since 1926, through data, people, insights, and advocacy, MGMA empowers medical group practices to innovate and create meaningful change in healthcare. With a membership of more than 60,000 medical practice administrators, executives, and leaders, MGMA represents more than 15,000 organizations of all sizes, types, structures and specialties that deliver almost half of the healthcare in the United States.

By having Veradigm as a certified partner, we are able to provide enhanced patient care through improved reporting, turnaround times and accountability. This partnership makes the management of health information more efficient by reading the clinical and non-clinical documents and auto-attaching it to the patient chart in the Electronic Health Record. Learn more >>

athenahealth partners with hospitals and ambulatory customers to drive clinical and financial results. They offer medical record, revenue cycle, patient engagement, care coordination, and population health services. Their combined technology, insight, expertise, and customer base creates a vast network of more than 160,000 providers and approximately 117 million patients nationwide. We’re proud to partner with an industry leader who is also committed to creating a smarter healthcare experience. Learn more >>

Epic develops software to help people get well, help people stay well, and help future generations be healthier. More than 250 million patients have a current electronic record in Epic. Their array of software includes MyChart to provide patients with convenient access to health information and EpicCare to help clinicians improve patient care. Our shared goal to help the healthcare industry save time through efficiency and accuracy is why we partner with EPIC. Learn more >>

AllianceChicago is a leading health organization whose mission is to improve personal, community, and public health through innovative collaboration. They accomplish this through three core areas of focus: Health Care Collaboration, Health Information Technology, and Health Research & Education. Our partnership with AllianceChicago allows us to continue to expand and innovate to meet the diverse and ever-evolving health care needs of our clients.


Whether you are interested in a channel or VAR opportunity with InDxLogic or licensing our technologies into your informatics system, we love to partner with others to help medical practices operate more efficiently. Contact us to learn more about those opportunities.